Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Stock Market and Nifty trned for December

stock market of India close on green mode after huge down fall last two days, nifty touch 8330 down side ,

after make correction of 300 point nifty again setback 8350 today. how look market uptrend: midcap and psu bank sector increase 2%, over all public sector bank bullish trend, Allahabad bank, ktk bank, SBI, andhra bank and bank of India top gainers.
 finance sector share up trend power finance share increase 6% above. Indian economy return on growth and inflation rate down every month ,so pressure on Central Bank of India to reduce interest rate that help to re bounce economy industrial growth and other sector like real ,power, infra and auto sector. stock market is place where every person earn money by regular investing and trading in systematic way, financial expert of world market says Indian stock market bullish trend till 2017 ,nifty should be touch 12000 and BSE sensex 32000.
Nifty provide plate form to earn money by positional derivative trading as well as intraday stock trading, option and future segment provide huge profit from market by regular trading.

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